We understands that our customers have many different questions and problems. We will try our best to answer all of them, but we also provide answers for frequently and commonly asked questions from many of our customers who have the same questions.
If your questions are still unanswered, please contact us here and tell us what do you want to know.
Our Response Time To Get Back To You
Due to unexpected volumes, it is taking us a little longer than we would like to respond to emails. Our current email response time is three business days.
Business Operation Hours
Monday-Friday: 09:00 – 17:00
(All Time is in WIB Indonesian Local Time)
How To Contact Us?
Contact our Customer Service Hotline at +62 21 2983 3664 (Available 09:00 – 17:00 WIB Time)
Send us email,
Do You Offer Delivery Services?
Yes, we deliver. You can either visit our office where you may be able to use our delivery service to arrange next day delivery, or you may purchase online to have products delivered directly to you in a few days.
How Long Will Delivery Take?
Please contact us here.
Can ACP-Kitchen provide custom size?
Yes, we can produce custom size equipment for special request. But it will take longer time to deliver.
Please contact us here for further question
Do You Provide Warranty Or Replacement For Product?
As long as the product been a Factory Defect, we can arrange for these to be sent directly to you free of charge. Otherwise, all of our product come with one year warranty.
Factory Defect For Under Guarantee Items
PT. Arindo Cipta Perkasa offers a generous guarantee policy. If you do notice a problem with any product within the first year of purchase or within the full guarantee period, please return the item to us or email pictures and a description of the fault. Also, please include proof of the original purchase from us.
Are The Kitchens Easy To Install?
Yes we would say that certain items such as straight worktops and splash backs are easy to install, but we prefer to offer our installation services.
Cabinets come pre-assembled and with brackets to secure them to walls, so again quite simple.
Complete kitchens are reasonably straightforward as long as a competent person is installing them.
Client Inquiries
For more information regarding any of our products:
Jl. Hj Saitam #77, Gang Momonot
Tlajung Udik, Gunung Putri, Bogor
16961, Indonesia.
+62 21 2983 3664
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